SGB II / Hartz IV / Bürgergeld / Arbeitslosengeld 2
In the course of political correctness, the actors on the labour market have a problem with the terminology: Are the persons concerned beneficiaries according to SGB II, unemployment benefit recipients 2, Hartz IV recipients or citizen's allowance recipients?
Regardless of which term you choose, the primary goal should be to describe a circumstance, not to discredit the beneficiaries.
Book II of the Social Code = Combined wage!
In fact, SGB II is much more than many people assume:
SGB II ensures that financially weaker people are always so much better off as a result of their work that taking up work is the sensible alternative to simply receiving social benefits.
Up to what income is there an entitlement to support under SGB II?
A married couple, 2 children, 830 € warm rent with an income of 2,830 € gross would still have a claim of over 80 €.
As a side effect:
- Exemption from the obligation to pay broadcasting fees
- Exemption from kindergarten fees
- Support for education and participation (BuT - Unterstützung für Bildung und Teilhabe)
- Assumption of additional costs of rent